Lantern project 2024

The Stony Stratford Lantern Project is an exciting community arts project which sees people
of all ages joining together at York House Centre to make lanterns for the Lantern Procession
which takes place every year as part of the Stony Stratford Switch-On Fun Day
Anyone can make a lantern (although some children will need help). Our lanterns are made from Willow
withies and masking tape which is then covered with colourful tissue paper and PVA glue and lit from within by a candle.
Every year we have a different theme for the project eg 'Christmas in Toyland' or 'Christmas Under the Sea'.
The 2024 theme will be 'Puppets' Parade!' - loads of scope to let your imagination run wild;
So get your thinking caps on for some fun and colourful creations!
You don't have to join in with the theme, you can make anything you want - the design is limited by your imagination.
On Switch-On Day we meet at York House to collect our lanterns - as darkness falls the lanterns are lit and the procession makes it's way through the crowd-lined streets of Stony Stratford to the Market
Square in time for the switch on of the Christmas Lights...magical ! !
There will also be the option to purchase a 'make at home' Lantern Kit if people prefer to make their lanterns at home and then join the Lantern Procession on Saturday 2nd December. Kits must be collected at one of the designated kit collection sessions - details tbc.

Lantern Workshops 2024
Lantern-making Workshops will be held over two weekends at York House Centre, London Road, Stony Stratford, MK11 1JQ. Once you have booked your lantern/s online, all sessions are drop-in between 10am and 4pm on the following dates:
Saturday 16 November – Main Hall + Beechey Room + Room 2.3 – Bean in Stony Café will be serving hot and cold drinks, snacks and light lunches.
Sunday 17 November – Beechey Room + Room 2.3 (enter through front right fire door) – sorry, there won’t be a café during the Sunday sessions due to space restrictions.
Saturday 23 November – Main Hall + Beechey Room + Room 2.3 – Bean in Stony Café will be serving hot and cold drinks, snacks and light lunches.
Sunday 24 November – Beechey Room + Room 2.3 (enter through front right fire door) – sorry, there won’t be a café during the Sunday sessions due to space restrictions.
We have indoor storage this year to store your partially made and completed lanterns, but please bear in mind that space is limited for both making and storage and DON’T MAKE YOUR LANTERNS TOO BIG!
Booking Your Lantern
We strongly advise that you pre-book your lantern/s or make at home lantern kits as the project sells out every year.
From 01 October you can book your lantern/s online from the link posted on the Stony Stratford Lantern Project Facebook group.
Cost is £7.00 per lantern (not per person) plus a £0.70 booking fee. Price includes your make at home lantern kit OR attendance at the Lantern Making Sessions. All ticket types include entrance into the Procession.
We have to limit the project to 280 lanterns - we can't fit any more into the building - so
make sure you pre-book to avoid disappointment.
Make-at-Home Lantern Kits
For those who have purchased Lantern Kits online, you will need to collect your kit/s from York House at one of the following collection sessions:
Saturday 02 November – Main Hall – 4pm 'til 5pm
Wednesday 06 November – Front Car park – 6pm 'til 7pm
Saturday 09 November – Main Hall –2pm 'til 4pm
Lantern Kits include instructions and all materials to make a basic sized lantern, plus a bamboo cane and wire fixings so you can join in with the Lantern Parade - you will just need to supply your own battery-powered torch or fairy lights to light it. If you want to make a larger or more complicated lantern, you can purchase additional withies (willow sticks) for a £2 donation per bundle of 20
Lantern Workshops at York House Centre are drop-in:once you’ve paid for your lantern/s, you don’t need to book for a particular day or time:
Saturday 16 November – 10am til 4pm (Main Hall, Beechey Room and Room 2.3)
Sunday 17 November – 10am til 4pm (Beechey Room and Room 2.3 only)
Saturday 23 November – 10am til 4pm (Main Hall, Beechey Room and Room 2.3)
Sunday 24 November – 10am til 4pm (Beechey Room and Room 2.3 only)
Online Tickets
Sales for both the York House Workshop Lanterns and Lantern Kits will go live on 01 October, visit the Stony Stratford Lantern ProjectFacebook group for the online ticketing links.
All lanterns are checked thoroughly by our Volunteers to ensure they are safe to
Join in with the Procession which is well supervised by experienced Stewards.
Lantern Procession – all lantern makers to meet in the York House car park on Saturday 30 November from 3.15pm, the procession will move off at 4.15pm. Mulled cider and refreshments will be available to buy, with profit going to the Lantern Project. Please avoid bringing dogs as it is very loud and crowded.
A BIG thank you to all the Lantern Volunteers, the Trustees and Staff at York House Centre and to our funders – Stony Stratford Town Council, Stony Stratford Business Association and the Friends of Stony Lanterns.
Contact with any questions andjoin our Facebook group: Stony Stratford Lantern Project for the latest project news.
YouTube clips